Recommendations for other homeschool curriculum resources for language arts, math, science, Afrikaans and other subjects to go along with our Footprints curricula or any other homeschool programmes.
Most homeschoolers don’t buy a complete package curriculum, but piece together their own combination of materials for the various school subjects, so that they can pick and choose materials that suit their children’s needs.
Reviews of Recommended Homeschool Curricula
Math Curricula Language Arts Science – Primary Science – Senior Afrikaans Taal

Afrikaans Second Language Resources
Afrikaans Second Language Teaching Tips
Grade 3 Afrikaans Additional Language Resources
Grades 4-6 Afrikaans Second Language Resources
Grades 7-8 Afrikaans Additional Language Resources
Grades 9-12 Afrikaans Second Language Resources
What about Life Orientation?
Life Orientation has been a hot topic amongst homeschoolers. Read our tips on this controversial subject.
What to add to Footprints
The literature-based Footprints programmes cover all the content subjects and focus in particular on social studies – History and Geography, but also include Bible Study, Bible Memory work, Copywork, Science, Biology, Art, Crafts, Home Economics, and Hands on projects.
However, it is advisable to add the following to your Footprints package:
Little Footprints(ages 4-8) – add age-appropriate Language Arts and Math Programmes
Footprints On Our Land(ages 7-12)- since this programme contains quite a lot of Language Arts assignments, a formal grammar programme is optional. If you would like to add one, we recommend the LLATL programmes. Add an age-appropriate Math curriculum, Afrikaans and a Science programme (optional as Science is also included in the Footprints manual)
Footprints into the 21st Century– Add Maths, Science (optional as it is part of the programme), Afrikaans and any other electives that you choose.