Additional Language Resources
This page lists recommended resources for high school Afrikaans second language homeschool learners.
Grade 9 Afrikaans
Text Books

Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 9
Afrikaans Sonder Grense Gr 10

We also recommend The Afrikaans Handbook & Study Guide
What about readers? By this time your teens should be able to read most Afrikaans books with understanding. The sad thing is that most authors deliver wordly themes for this age group. Our suggestion is to just keep them reading the Trompie, Die Otters or the Straatspeurders series which we have recommended for Grades 7-8.
Also keep exposing your children to Afrikaans media – radio, TV, DVDs etc. using our recommendations on the main Afrikaans Second Language Resources page.
Die Sak Mense, Maretha Maartens
Die Sakmense is a parallel story of two kinds of “sakmense”. Thea with her kidney dialysis bag and Miriam who started working there with her family being “sakmense”, selling fruit in the streets from stalls made of bags. The story is set in the late apartheid era, possibly the 80’s or early 90’s. It also has a strong message of lies that entangles and bind us and the freedom that the truth brings, but it perpetuates a stereotype of a domestic helper stealing from her employer.
Books that have been recommended, but which we have not yet reviewed are:
Groen is die Kleur van Genade
Daar is Spore op die Maan
Afrikaans Additional Language Grades 10 & 11
By now your child should have a good grasp on the rules that make up Afrikaans language and you need to put these into practice.
Whether you are going to guide them through Cambridge for their matric equivalent or not, the following two modules, from Cambridge Open Learning Project, give them lots of practice over the last 2 years of their school career.
Add to this the classic Afrikaans novels by Dalene Matthee – one to read alone, another to read aloud together and you should have a fluent student by the end of Grade 12.
COLP Module 1
COLP Module 2
Readers or Read Alouds
Kringe in die Bos, Dalene Matthee
Fiela se Kind, Dalene Matthee
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More Pages with Afrikaans Resources
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Afrikaans High School Homeschooling