Reviews of some of the most popular homeschool math programs used by both South African homeschooling families and homeschoolers abroad.

We have used most of the maths curriculum products on this page ourselves and we can recommend them.
So which one is the best?
There is probably no one ‘best’ math curriculum. They all work and they all have a different focus or a different way of presenting maths. As a homeschooling parent, you need to do your homework and find out which one would best suit each of your children and their learning styles and mathematical abilities, as well as consider which will best suit your budget!
Remember that your choice should not be fixed or final. If you decide that a particular math programme is not working for your child, write it off as ‘school fees’ – the cost of learning what doesn’t work and switch to another programme which is better suited for your child.
We have heard countless stories of children who were struggling with maths, who suddenly succeeded and made good progress when they switched to a different maths curriculum.
There are numerous others homeschool math programs, but we do not wish to overwhelm you with too many choices and these are certainly among the best!
To educate yourself as a homeschooling parent and for excellent tips for teaching Maths to young children (as well as Reading and Writing), we recommend The Three R’s by Ruth Beechick.
Reviews of Homeschool Math Programmes
Life of Fred

What could be better than lifting your child onto your lap and reading a story about how maths is relevant to their everyday life? By using the simple, funny and engaging stories of Fred’s days your children will understand the WHY behind the HOW maths is needed every single day.
All of life and learning is wrapped up in Fred’s days where he uses maths all the time whether it is to make sure he wears the right clothes for the season, gets to college at the right time or in the higher grades understands the basics of economics.
The books start at Grade 1 and go through to high school. It is as simple as reading a story to your child and “playing” with 5 or more questions.
The stories are fun and engaging, sometimes silly, but definitely make you think and do not limit your children to a dry boring irrelevant approach to maths.
Life of Fred comes in 3 groups – elementary, intermediate and pre-high school using short lessons and story based learning this is not only a program for every child, but also for those who are saying they find maths boring.
Buy from The Book Connection

Math-U-See was written by an ex-high school Maths teacher and homeschooling dad, who saw the benefit of systematic review as well as the link between manipulatives and understanding maths. This programme combines the strengths of both in a system that incorporates all learning senses. It includes a student text, a teachers manual and teaching DVD’s plus non-consumable manipulatives
“The goal of Maths-U-See is that as a student learns how to do maths, he simultaneously understands the concepts of maths.”
For further information visit the Maths-U-See website or purchase the metric South African version from the South African agents: Oikos Ministries and buy it from their Bobshop store.
Saxon Math

Saxon is a logical, well thought-out homeschool math program from K – highschool. The process used involves teaching a child a formula first, then drilling for accuracy and then for speed. The students progress slowly, going over the same area of study from different ‘angles’. They make good use of the home to teach e.g. a child will learn fractions from sandwiches and apples, play shop and use family birthdays for graphing.
Saxon makes use of many manipulatives like tangrams, geoboards and cubes as well.
The Saxon homeschool math programs are available from Sonlight Curriculum.
Singapore Math

Singapore Math is a very popular choice amongst home educators. Mental maths is used from the early grades and children are also exposed to fractions and geometry early on. Word problems force students to think and apply maths in all kinds of situations. To ensure you choose the right grade for your child, use an online placement test.
Singapore Math is also available in SA from Jade Education or in the US from Sonlight Curriculum.