“Can you please advise on homeschooling my 16 year old daughter as the school system is not working out for her, she is currently repeating grade 9. Can you please help and point me in the right direction. Thanks” ~ Darrel Daniels, Cape Town
Answer to Homeschool 16 Year Old

First, we like to refer all new homeschoolers to our New to Homeschooling page as you will find answers to many frequently asked questions about homeschooling in South Africa there.
Also read about how to Remove Your Child from School.
Since your child is beyond the mandatory schooling age of 7-15, there should not be a problem and you do not need to concern yourself with Registering for Homeschooling, if anyone mentions it.
Next, we recommend that you sign up for our FREE 7-email course, Tips for Starting Homeschooling as this will give you much useful information and links to resources that will help you. The more you know about homeschooling, the more confident you will feel about this decision and the choices that lie before you.
The course covers the following topics:
1. Reasons to Homeschool – Bringing the children home
2. Deschooling – Your first 6 weeks to three months
3. Parenting and spending quality time together
4. Learning styles, philosophies and methods in the homeschooling movement
5. Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum – essential tips to avoid costly mistakes
6. Organization 101
7. Preventing Burnout
If you don’t have time to read all these articles now, sign up for our 7-part e-course. You will receive an email bringing you a link to the next part of the course every 2 days for two weeks, so that you can enjoy it in bite-size pieces!
It is highly recommended to give your child a significant period of time to de-school. Especially since school has obviously not been a happy place for your child, you don’t want to re-create that same scenario at home. She needs time to discover the joy of learning in her own unique way. (More about that in the course.)
Finally, since your daughter is at high school level, you will eventually need to choose a high school curriculum for her, depending on the route you choose, if you would like her to get a recognised school leaving certificate.
You can read more about the choices on our High School Homeschool Options page. Read it carefully as it contains a lot of relevant information.
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