South African Homeschool Curriculum Options for High School Homeschoolers
A brief description plus contact details of various high school homeschool options for South African homeschoolers, including internationally recognised certifications.
Matric / Alternative High School Certificates in SA
The National Senior Certificate (or EQUIVALENT) is the minimum requirement for entrance to a Higher Education.
The National Senior Certificate (NSC) is a three year programme that consists of Grade 10, 11 and 12. This means that each grade has to be completed and passed separately.
A National Senior Certificate will be awarded to you after successful completion of the National Senior Certificate Grade 12 examinations. The final examinations in Grade 12 will be administered by an external assessment body accredited by UMALUSI. The National Senior Certificate is awarded by UMALUSI.
Due to changes in legislation, at present, the only way that homeschoolers can obtain a National Senior Certificate (NSC) is to write exams via an accredited institution, some of which are listed further down this page.
However, the Minister issued regulations that now require, as minimum university entrance requirements, the NSC with university exemption, OR EQUIVALENT.
The following are possible ‘equivalents”
1. Foreign Qualifications
There is a range of foreign qualifications from over 160 countries that USAf (Universities South Africa) will accept as a matric equivalent and grant foreign conditional exemption.
In practice, it does seem that USAf has granted conditional matric exemption certificates to South African students who have applied and submitted foreign qualifications.
The most popular are
a) The Cambridge International Examinations certificate with a prescribed profile of subjects and levels. This is regarded as an equivalent to the NSC without qualification.
b) The American GED®. A full explanation is on the links provided (above) but below is a brief summary of the procedure:
1. You can sign up for online GED prep at Go Prep to help you prepare for the GED®
2. There are over 40 GED® testing centres around the country.
The entire process seems to cost around R11000 (2024). The GED® tests can be written any time you are ready all year round.
3. GED® graduates may need to study further to qualify for exemption from Universities South Africa (USAf). As with any matric or alternative, there is no guarantee that a university will accept the application of a GED® graduate for a degree course.
*SAQA (the South African Qualifications Authority) has evaluated the GED® and found the National Senior Certificate as its closest comparable qualification.
CAUTION: Universities are NOT compelled to accept you, and the above only satisfies the criteria of a matric certificate. Each university and each faculty may have other admissions requirements. It is advisable to enquire FIRST at the institutions where you wish to study and get their responses in writing.
c) American High School Diploma. Some homeschoolers have also achieved an American High School Diploma and then obtained a matric exemption by meeting the requirements as stipulated by USAf. Students need to submit scores for subjects they have studied during four years of high school (Grades 9-12) to a registered US school in order to achieve the prescribed number and variety of credits to fulfill the requirements. If homeschoolers use three to four of our Footprints programmes, add Maths and one high school Science course, they can easily meet these requirements. Learn more at the links above.
2. Tertiary Qualifications
If you pass a course the equivalent of first-year university level at a college, then you can apply to Universities SA to grant you university exemption and then apply to enrol at a university.
3. Senate’s Discretionary Exemption
Universities may have legislation that allows for discretionary exemption to be granted once a student has completed a recognised access course or a foundation programme. Some also have policies for Recognition of Prior Learning.
Technical Colleges, Universities of Technology and other Colleges generally do not require endorsement as an entrance requirement.
It is your responsibility to enquire from the institution of your choice, in advance, whether you (will) meet their entrance requirements.
4. Conditional exemption by virtue of mature age
Subject to certain conditions, a conditional exemption may be granted to a candidate who has attained the age of 23 years before or during the year in which the applicant wishes to enrol at a South African university for a bachelor’s degree.
Foreign High School Homeschool Options
There are various institutions in South Africa that offer the internationally recognised Cambridge International Examinations as well as an option to obtain an matric certification offered by an Afrikaans institution that is recognised by a university in the Netherlands. Read more on our International High School Home School Options page.
You can also consider a DIY Cambridge homeschool matric from Grade 10 – 12.

NSC High School Homeschool Options
Information about obtaining Matric Exemption can be found on the MATRICULATION BOARD SITE

The following service providers offer the National Senior Certificate:
1. Elroi Academy
2. Hatfield Christian Online School – IEB matric
Tel: 012-361 1182
3. Brainline / Breinlyn – NSC or IEB in English or Afrikaans
Tel: 012-5435000 / Cell: 082 5777 942
4. Le-Amen Onderwyssentrum – IEB
Tel: 011 958 0366 / 0532
5. Nukleus – NSC in Afrikaans
Tel/Fax: 044 873 0346
Tel/Fax: 044 873 5957
Email :
6. Think Digital
7. Teneo
Afrikaans High School Options
There are a number of Afrikaans homeschool curriculum providers that offer high school and matric courses.
Vind meer uit oor die verskeie Afrikaans tuisonderwys kurrikulums op ons Afrikaans High School Options bladsy.
Footprints – The Last Century
This is our homegrown South African homeschool high school programme. It is the sequel to Footprints – The Early Years and is aimed at learners aged 12-16. On completion of this programme, many students go on to use one of the high school curricula listed above.
High School Homeschool Science
We recommend the Apologia High School Science programs. These are Christian homeschooling science curricula which will opens your learner’s eyes to God’s awesome creative powers evident in the world around them. Choose from General Science, Physics, Biology or Chemistry. Read more at High School Science Programmes
Healthy Teen Relationships
In the Faith Building component of Footprints into the 21st Century we have included reading material on teen relationships. We believe that homeschooling parents have the opportunity to encourage their children to avoid the pitfalls of the world’s dating system. Read more about Healthy Teen Relationships
What about Life Orientation?
Life Orientation has been a hot topic amongst homeschoolers. Read our tips on this controversial subject.