This is a list of Afrikaans language programs and resources used by homeschooling families with brief descriptions of each and contact forms for your ordering enquiries.
Prices were correct at the time of publication, but please confirm prices when you contact the supplier concerned.
You might also be interested in our reviews of Afrikaans Homeschool Products.
Afrikaans Language Programs for 2nd Language Learners
For families for whom Afrikaans is their second language, we have Tips for Teaching Afrikaans Second Language as well as lists of suggested resources for each age group on the following pages:
Grade 3 Afrikaans Second Language Resources
Grades 4-6 Afrikaans Second Language Resources
Grades 7-8 Afrikaans Second Language Resources
Grades 9-12 Afrikaans Second Language Resources
More Afrikaans Language Programs
Grade 2+
This is a very thorough course, designed as a reading and writing program for first language students. Bible themes are stressed throughout. The course comes on CD, so you must carry the printing costs.
A Marais
Cell 0722463503
Leer Afrikaans Lag-Lag
This series of Leer Afrikaans Lag-Lag workbooks have been designed for second language learners from Grade 3 upwards for primary school aged children. There are five books in the series.
They are consumable but are extremely well priced and offer great value for money.
They include line drawings accompany engaging and relevant activities in a crisp, clear format. Instructions are given in Afrikaans, but where needed English translations are given in brackets to help the learner.
Although some of the content, such as sports days, school camps and classroom situations are geared towards school-going children, homeschoolers will still enjoy the multi-cultural 21st century child-oriented content.
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Ant Books
This series of workbooks and readers are ideal for second language learners from Grade 3-7.
Each level includes two workbooks plus eight 12 page readers on which the workbooks are based.
There are also two orange supplementary A4 workbooks for levels 1 & 2 and one for level 3.
Together they will extend vocabulary, improve word-order, phonics, spelling, writing, pronunciation and comprehension skills as well as develop your child’s confidence in Afrikaans.
The workbooks also include plenty of repetition and practice as well as fun activities such as crossword puzzles, word searches and more.
For more information or to order contact Ant Books.
Top of Afrikaans Language Programs
Afrikaans Handbook & Study Guide
Afrikaans Handbook and Study Guide
For Senior Primary and High School Students, this handbook is invaluable as a reference as well as for moms who are wanting to have all the Afrikaans rules in one place.
Highschool grades
This is a website designed to teach Afrikaans to second language learners.
“The resources on the site are extensive. They include numerous sound files, carefully selected links, and discussion groups where Afrikaans speaking volunteers from around the world answer questions and provide comment. The teaching approach is thoroughly conventional and businesslike, and seems most appropriate for high school students. It does not use language laboratory techniques or playful learning.
As would be expected from a course originally intended mostly to prepare missionaries for field work, it is strongly slanted towards speaking the language, correct pronunciation and practical use, but it does contain some literature as well.
“A particularly attractive feature of the site is that the facilities are free.” ~ Leendert van Oostrum, Pestalozzi Trust for homeschool legal defence
The content developer, Dr. Jacques du Plessis, has over 20 years of experience teaching Afrikaans as a foreign language. His expertise in language teaching and technology offers you innovation with technology to facilitate your quest to learn the Afrikaans language.