Use this handy table to determine at which level you should begin with one of our beautiful Footprints programmes. If you have multiple children within the same phase, you can use one product with both/all of them or re-use it later with younger children, as the programmes are non-consumable.
From preschool level to high school, Footprints gives you the tools you need to prepare your children academically for excellence when they reach matric level and beyond. For now, watch your children progress from learning to read to reading to learn. They will learn to craft research projects and other creative works too. You have an exciting road ahead.
The links in the table will page jump down to a short description of each product. Use the links on the top navigation bar to read the full page description of each product, with sample pages to view.
Grade | Recommended products | If starting with Footprints for the first time | CAPS aligned |
Grade R Age 5-6 | Barefoot Days Volume 1 or Kaalvoetpret Volume 1 Barefoot Days Volume 2 or Kaalvoetpret Volume 2 Barefoot Days Volume 3 or Kaalvoetpret Volume 3 Little Footprints | Barefoot Days | Foundation Phase Life Skills Home Language |
Grade 1 Age 6-7 | |||
Grade 2 Age 7-8 | |||
Grade 3 Age 8-9 | Footprints – The Early Years Footprints Nature Quest | Little Footprints | |
Grade 4 Age 9-10 | Footprints – The Early Years / Voetspore 1 – Die Vroeë Jare Footprints Nature Quest | Intermediate Phase Social Sciences Home Language | |
Grade 5 Age 10-11 | Footprints – The Last Century Footprints Nature Quest | Footprints – The Early Years / Voetspore 1 – Die Vroeë Jare Footprints Nature Quest | Social Sciences Home Language |
Grade 6 Age 11-12 | |||
Grade 7 Age 12-13 | |||
Grade 8 Age 13-14 | Footprints – The Last Century / Voetspore 2 – Die Laaste Eeu Footprints Nature Quest | Senior Phase Social Sciences Home Language | |
Grade 9 Age 14-15 | |||
Grade 10 Age 15-16 | From about age 16 onwards, most high school homeschoolers pick a route to achieve a school exit certificate and they then enrol in study programmes to prepare them for that end goal. See High School Homeschooling |
Below is a summary of each of our products listed in the table:
Barefoot Days / Kaalvoetpret
Barefoot Days (Kaalvoetpret in Afrikaans) is a popular Charlotte-Mason style home education programme for ages 4-8. It is a story-based learning programme offering monthly themes suited for young children. The content meets and exceeds the CAPS requirements for Like Skills in the Foundation Phase (Grades R-3). Each parent manual also contains coaching and mentoring for new homeschooling parents, to build your confidence and equip you with the wisdom, insight and skills you need for your upcoming parenting and home education journey.
Each volume covers three themes and could take anything from 4-6 months or longer to complete.
Volume 1
Theme 1 – My Body and My Identity
Theme 2 – My Family
Theme 3 – My Community
Barefoot Days Volume 1: Themes 1-3R3 340.00
Volume 2
Theme 4 – City and Countryside
Theme 5 – (Land) Animals
Theme 6 – Sea and Sky
Barefoot Days Volume 2: Themes 4-6R3 400.00
Volume 3
Theme 7 – My Country
Theme 8 – My Continent, Africa
Theme 9 -The World
Barefoot Days Volume 3: Themes 7-9R3 470.00
Little Footprints
Little Footprints should be subtitled, “South Africa in Stories.”This homeschool curriculum consists of literature-based lesson plans that are designed to take you and your little ones on an armchair journey around South Africa, exploring the fascinating people, animals and places that make up our beautiful land and its Rainbow Nation.
It’s as easy as reading a story together and then exploring the themes and topics of interest from that story, with discussion activities, crafts and more to enjoy.
Little Footprints is aimed primarily at children between the ages of four and eight, but younger and older siblings are sure to enjoy the stories and join in with the activities too. The lessons are easily adaptable for older children.
The lesson topics vary from story to story, according to the subject-matter of each book and include the following categories:
- Social Studies
- Science & Nature
- Geography
- Language
- Life-skills
- Art
- Maths
- Readiness Skills
- Bible – lessons & verses
- Copywork for handwriting
- Crafts
- Cooking
Read more about Little Footprints or buy now:
Footprints – The Early Years
A delightful story-driven study of the early history of South Africa, from the pre-colonial era to the early 1900s, for ages 8-14 years.
The updated curriculum manual, which provides the factual historical background to the 20 historical fiction novels, is written with the narration and dialogue of a grandmother recounting the story of South Africa to two of her grandchildren over tea. Along with them, your children will discover centuries-old mysteries, political cover-ups and anecdotes that make history intriguing, rather than a boring list of names and dates. Granny Stella and her two grandchildren will get you to investigate your family history and heritage, look at the history of your local area and learn how global events, like oceanic exploration, colonialism, wars in Europe and slavery, impacted South Africa’s early development.
Importantly, to give a more well-rounded Charlotte Mason-style learning experience we have added:
- South African art featuring the scenes from the history of South Africa for art appreciation,
- a new selection of mostly South African poetry and
- a fun selection of music, mainly by well-known South African artists such as Miriam Makeba, Johnny Clegg, Jonathan Butler, PJ Powers and others for music appreciation
- additional stories that relate to the main topics in each section
- a multi-media course webpage
The stories in this programme begin in 1488 when the Khoe tribes (formerly known as Khoikhoi) encountered Bartholomeu Dias after he rounded the Cape, and they continue through time, ending in the early 1900s, just after the South African War.
Read more about Footprints – The Early Years or buy now
Footprints – The Early YearsR7 360.00
Voetspore 1 – Die Vroeë Jare
Voetspore 1 – Die Vroeë Jare is ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse literatuurryke tuisonderwyskurrikulum vir ouderdomme 8-14 jaar. Die bygewerkte kurrikulumhandleiding, wat die feitelike historiese agtergrond van die 27 historiese fiksie verhale verskaf, is geskryf met die vertelling en dialoog van ‘n ouma wat die verhaal van Suid-Afrika aan twee van haar kleinkinders tydens teetyd vertel. Saam met hulle sal jou kinders eeue oue raaisels, politieke toesmeerdery en staaltjies ontdek wat die geskiedenis interessant maak, eerder as ‘n vervelige lys name en datums. Saam met Ouma Stella-hulle sal julle, jul familiegeskiedenis en erfenis te ondersoek, na die geskiedenis van jou plaaslike omgewing te kyk en leer hoe wêreldgebeure, soos oseaniese verkenning, kolonialisme, oorloë in Europa en slawerny, Suid-Afrika se vroeë ontwikkeling beïnvloed het.
Hierdie nuwe uitgawe bevat ook die volgende, om ‘n meer afgeronde Charlotte Mason-styl leerervaring te gee:
- Suid-Afrikaanse kuns met die tonele uit die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrika vir kunswaardering
- ‘n nuwe keur van Suid-Afrikaanse poësie
- ‘n prettige keuse van musiek vir musiekwaardering deur bekende Suid-Afrikaanse kunstenaars soos Carike Keuzenkamp, Laurika Rauch, Anton Goosen, Appel, Miriam Makeba en vele ander
- bykomende verhale wat verband hou met die hoofonderwerpe
- ‘n multi-media kursus webblad
Die verhale in hierdie program begin in 1488 toe die Khoestamme (voorheen bekend as Khoikhoi) Bartholomeu Dias teëgekom nadat hy om die Kaap gevaar het en eindig in die vroeë 1900’s, net na die Suid-Afrikaanse Oorlog.
Lees verder oor Voetspore 1 of koop dit nou:
Voetspore 1 – Die Vroeë JareR6 240.00
Footprints – The Last Century
Footprints – the Last Century focuses on the history of South Africa from the end of the 19th century until the present day. This curriculum is written in the engaging conversational style of a grandmother recounting the history of South Africa to two of her grandchildren over tea. Along with them, your children will discover centuries old mysteries, political cover-ups and anecdotes that make history intriguing, rather than a boring list of names and dates. By reading widely and discussing different perspectives of challenging and sometimes dark times in our nation’s history, they will also become well-informed, discerning citizens, who understand South Africa and can think critically about pertinent issues, both past and present.
Beginning with the discoveries of gold and diamonds that led to the South Africa Wars around the turn of the century, Footprints – The Last Century takes you onwards through World War 1, the Great Depression and World War 2 and highlights South Africa’s role in those wars. It also examines the pain and trauma of the apartheid era and the freedom struggle, the trouble of the Border Wars and the road to democracy, after the unbanning of the ANC and the release of political prisoners.
Published in late 2022, it spotlights some of the ever-changing faces in modern politics, the drama of the State Capture report and events in post-apartheid South Africa in the 21st Century. It includes art appreciation, music appreciation with well-known SA songs, poetry, mapwork and more! Everything you need is at your fingertips to give your children a rich, education. The programme teaches them to THINK CRITICALLY about different perspectives on history and current events and to become media savvy 21st century citizens!
Read more about Footprints – The Last Century or buy now:
Voetspore 2 – Die Laaste Eeu
Voetspore 2 – Die Laaste Eeu is ‘n eenheidstudie wat vele vakke insluit. Dit is gemik op kinders 10-16 jaar oud. Die leerplan dek onder andere Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis, musiekwaardering, kunswaardering, poësie en taalontwikkeling. Hierdie leerplan, Voetspore 2, gaan voort in die laat 1800’s toe goud en diamante ontdek is en wat gelei het tot die twee Vryheidsoorloë tydens die draai van die eeu. Dit neem jou deur die stormagtige tye in Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis, deur twee wêreldoorloë, apartheid en die vryheidstryd. Dit eindig met die huidige gebeure van die 21e eeu.
Voetspore 2 sluit kunswaardering, musiekwaardering met bekende SA liedjies, poësie, kaartwerk en meer in! Alles wat jy nodig het is byderhand om jou kinders ‘n ryk, opvoeding te gee. Die program leer hulle om KRITIES TE DINK oor verskillende perspektiewe op geskiedenis en huidige gebeure en om mediavaardige 21ste-eeuse burgers te word!
Net soos met ons ander geliefde programme sal jou kinders die geleentheid hê om in ander se voetspore te stap en die lewe in ander eras en plekke te ervaar. Deur die oë van beide ware en fiktiewe karakters uit die wye verskeidenheid lewende boeke sal julle kinders die land se ontwikkeling kan waarneem.
Voetspore 2 – Die Laaste Eeu sluit wonderlike boeke deur skrywers soos FA Venter, MIKRO, Maretha Maartens, John Coetzee, Jaco Jacobs, Kowie Rossouw en baie ander bekende Afrikaanse storievertellers in! Daar is soveel rykdom om te geniet terwyl jou kinders moeilike onderwerpe soos die oorloë van die 20ste eeu, die kwessies van vooroordeel en die regte waarheid en versoening bestudeer.
Lees verder oor Voetspore 2 of koop dit nou:
Voetspore 2 – Diamant PakketR6 655.00
Voetspore 2 – Saffier PakketR8 945.00
Footprints Nature Quest
Footprints Nature Quest is a unique, literature-driven learning safari that takes your family on a journey of discovery through the various natural biomes of our amazing country. In each region, a local guide will give you insight into the fascinating geography, flora, fauna and other natural features that make that area distinct.
You will explore the depths of the dark kelp forests of the west coast as well as the diverse east coast with it’s warm ocean and lush vegetation. You will uncover the secrets of animals and plants of the Nama Karoo, meander through the rich floral kingdom of the fynbos biome, marvel at our forests, rivers, mountains, bushveld, Kalahari and even travel back in time to learn captivating facts about human settlement in South Africa.
Footprints Nature Quest is aimed at children between the ages of 8-16 years. It is a unit study that covers Geography and Natural Sciences. It is an ideal resource to use alongside our best-selling Footprints On Our Land social studies programme, but each of these products can be used on their own as well. For families with children in the 4-8 years age category, Footprints Nature Quest also includes the option to buy a package of beautiful picture book stories in each biome you will explore, so that you can include the younger children in your studies too. As moms of large families, we understand that we need to make multi-level home education easy and normal!
Read more about Footprints Nature Quest or buy now:
Product on saleFootprints Nature Quest Junior StoriesOriginal price was: R4 200.00.R3 975.00Current price is: R3 975.00.
Footprints Nature Quest Classic PackR8 015.00
Natuurskattejag 1
Natuurskattejag 1 en Natuurskattejag 2 bied tuisonderwysgesinne ‘n unieke, literatuurgedrewe leersafari wat jou gesin op ‘n ontdekkingsreis neem deur die verskillende natuurlike biome van ons wonderlike land.
Natuurskattejag 1 is gemik op kinders tussen ouderdomme 8-14 jaar, en die vervolg, Natuurskattejag 2 is geskik vir ouderdomme 10-16, maar goeie leesstof ken eintlik geen ouderdomsbeperkings nie! In elke streek gee ‘n plaaslike gids jou insig in die fassinerende aardrykskunde, die flora, fauna en ander natuurlike kenmerke van daardie gebied.
Deur middel van die wonderlike verhale gaan julle, d.m.v Natuurskattejag 1, vyf van Suid-Afrika se nege biome ontdek. Julle gaan ook die see induik en die ongelooflike seelewe bewaar op beide kuste van Suid-Afrika. In die ouerhandleiding word die feitlike agtergrond aangebied deur persoonlike toergidse van die plaaslike omgewings, wat julle avonture lei en dit verryk met allerhande interessanthede! Die program noem ook insiggewende rolprente en dokumentêre wat julle deel van jul studies kan maak! Om ‘n meer afgeronde Charlotte Mason-styl leerervaring te gee, het ons, in die nuwe 2024-uitgawe, ook poësie oor die natuur en Suid-Afrikaanse liedjies vir musiekwaardering bygevoeg.
Lees meer oor Natuurskattejag 1 of koop dit nou:
Natuurskattejag 1R4 225.00
Natuurskattejag 2
Natuurskattejag 2 is die opvolg van die Natuurwetenskap-kursus van Natuurskattejag 1. Dit is gemik op kinders tussen ouderdomme 10-16 jaar, maar goeie leesstof ken geen ouderdomsbeperkings nie!
In hierdie program gebruik jul hierdie fantastiese boeke om nog vier van Suid-Afrika se nege biome te ontdek. Ons kyk na die savanne- en bosveldomgewings, die woestyn en semi-woestyn gebiede van die Kalahari en ons inheemse woude. Julle gaan terugreis in tyd deur die menslike nedersettingsaardrykskunde-afdeling. Daarna draao die fokus na die belangrikheid van ons nasionale parke en natuurbewaring in Suid-Afrika. Daar is ook ‘n lys van briljante rolprente en dokumentêre wat jy van jou studies kan deelmaak!
Lees meer oor Natuurskattejag 2 of koop dit nou:
Natuurskattejag 2R5 365.00