I want to know are all the steps involved to start homeschooling? Is it necessary to register your kids with department of education? What is a good curriculum? My kids are 3 years, 7y(gr 1) 8y(gr 3) and 18 months. ~ Jennie Bothma, Lydenburg, Mpumalanga
Answer to Starting Homeschool

Please refer to the following pages as they will answer your first two questions:
Registering for Homeschooling with the Department of Education
Since you have a number of children aged 8 and under, you should consider the Little Footprints – South Africa in Stories as you could use it with all your children together. You may need to modify some of the activities for the eldest one to make them more challenging at times.
However, keeping them all on the same programme will keep your life a bit simpler and stress free.
The children that are of school-going age will each need an age/grade-appropriate Maths and Language Arts programme.
We have some recommendations here: Curriculum Options
They all work, its a matter of choosing what will suit your budget and your preferences.
We also strongly recommend that you sign up for our free 7-part ecourse, Tips for Starting Homeschooling as this will lead you to lots of useful information and resources.
The more you learn about starting homeschooling, the more equipped and confident you will feel about making decision and choosing curriculum.
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