South African Literature for Kids
We are often asked for lists of South African literature suitable for children that will deepen their knowledge of South Africa, its people and environment.
In our list of Footprints Frequently Asked Questions we have explained in #4 the reason why we do not give out our booklists.
Since much of the best SA children’s literature in English and Afrikaans is out of print, we have obtained copyright permission to reprint small quantities to include in our home education curriculum packages. We do not sell the books individually.
South African Stories For Ages 4-8
This is a list of picture books for South African children.It can be used as additional reading with Little Footprints – South Africa in Stories or any other homeschool curriculum. Click here for these SA Children’s Literature Reviews – ages 4-8
SA Books For Ages 8-16
Footprints – The Early YearsR7 360.00
Footprints – The Last Century Diamond PackageR8 390.00
Footprints – The Last Century Sapphire PackageR10 810.00
Footprints – The Early Years includes a selection of the best South African historical fiction for children, spanning the era 1488-1910. Since the majority of these stories are out of print, we get permission from the copyright holders to reprint them in small quantities to supply in our home education packages. We do not sell the books individually, only as part of our South African homeschool curriculum.
Footprints – The Last Century
consists of the best South African historical fiction for youths and teens. We have carefully selected quality stories that bring to life the conflicted history of the last 120 years in South Africa. The stories present diverse perspectives on events, giving you the opportunity to discuss and appreciate the opposing views. One of the important goals is to teach children to read widely to discover different points of views and then make up their own minds about what happened. We don’t teach them what to think, we encourage them to learn to think for themselves!
Afrikaans Historiese Fiksie
Voetspore – die eerste literatuurryke tuisonderwyskurrikulum te wêreld!
Voetspore 2 – Diamant PakketR6 655.00
Voetspore 2 – Saffier PakketR8 945.00
Voetspore 1 – Die Vroeë Jare is saamgestel uit van die beste Afrikaanse ‘lewende boeke’ waardeur ‘n opwindende literatuurgebaseerde avontuur deur ons land ervaar kan word. Deur die storieboeke te lees, sal u kinders historiese karakters leer ken wat ‘n rol gespeel het in die vorming van Suid-Afrika se kleurryke verlede. In plaas daarvan om feite en datums so tipies van geskiedenishandboeke te moet leer, sal hulle die feite oor die storie van ons land ontdek deur die oë van die karakters in die leesboeke. Ons nasie se geskiedenis sal lewendig word deur die verhale!
Meer as 50 boeke is noukeurig uitgekies vir ouers om saam met hul kinders te kan geniet. Sommige is noodsaaklik vir die program, ander is opsioneel. Die leesvlak van die boeke wissel ook vir verskillende ouderdomme. Sommige van die boeke sal vir kinders voorgelees moet word en ander kan met die nodige aanmoediging deur kinders self gelees word.
Die stories vertel die verhale van mense wat daartoe bygedra het om Suid-Afrika te maak wat dit vandag is. Lees verder: Voetspore 1
Voetspore 2 – Die Laaste Eeu is die vervolg op die geskiedenis in Voetspore 1 – Die Vroeë Jare.
Saam vorm dit die wêreld se eerste literatuur-gebaseerde kurrikulum vir Afrikaanse tuisonderwysgesinne!
Voetspore 2 – Die Laaste Eeu is ‘n eenheidstudie wat vele vakke insluit. Dit is gemik op kinders 10-16 jaar oud. Die leerplan dek onder andere Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis, musiekwaardering, kunswaardering, poësie en taalontwikkeling.
Voetspore 2 – Die Laaste Eeu sluit wonderlike boeke deur skrywers soos FA Venter, MIKRO, Maretha Maartens, John Coetzee, Jaco Jacobs, Kowie Rossouw en baie ander bekende Afrikaanse storievertellers in! Daar is soveel rykdom om te geniet terwyl jou kinders moeilike onderwerpe soos die oorloë van die 20ste eeu, die kwessies van vooroordeel en die regte waarheid en versoening bestudeer.
More Afrikaans Literature for Teens
These books have not been reviewed by us. This is just a list of Afrikaans literature for teens that was suggested by various homeschooling parents in South Africa. Afrikaans Literature for Teens