Homeschool Unit Studies
Use this series of nine South African History file folder projects and lapbooks to learn about the people of South Africa, plus on about South Africa Today. We recommend these lapbooks to go along with Footprints On Our Land for children between ages 8-14 years. You can either buy all 9 on a CD or purchase them one by one to download. They are available in English and Afrikaans versions are being added too.
Click on the links below to read more and see sample content from each topic:
- The Zulu
- Gold & Diamonds OR Goud & Diamante
- The South African War (Anglo Boer War)
South Africa Today LapbookR185.00
Traditionally, school children create theme books about the various people groups of southern Africa, but as homeschooling moms and teachers, we have realized that for younger children, even with help and supervision, this can be quite an overwhelming task.
We have created these history file folder projects (lapbooks) to create convenient, printable mini-booklets for children to compile into a theme unit. All the relevant reference material, instructions as well as templates to print and cut are provided.
Doing projects are great fun when they are linked to your children’s topic of study and not just done for the sake of having something to show others.
Lapbooks get children colouring, cutting, folding and narrating all at the same time as you create an easy-to-store and-display folder related to their studies.
Many people question the importance of studying History. Here is a good explanation:
The way in which the world develops has a relation to the way in which it was in the past. A community without history is like a person without a memory – incoherent.
~Bernard Baylyn of Harvard University
Homeschool families have discovered that learning about South Africa is so much fun with our literature-based curriculums.
We know that some folk only want the South African history section of Footprints but since it is a complete unit study, we are unable to split up our programme to suit them.
BUT here is the good news! With this series of file folder projects, commonly known as “lapbooks”, you can choose an era in history or a specific South African people group and do a fun, easy study of the topic of your choice.
You can uses these projects to complement your homeschool curriculum, to supplement a unit study or as a stand alone unit. They can also be used as convenient bridging projects for families who are waiting for their curriculum to arrive.

Ten Benefits of File Folder Projects
South African History Project Files (Lapbooks – English)
You can also buy the lapbooks as individual digital downloads.
South Africa Today LapbookR185.00
The 1820 Settlers (Download)R100.00
The South African War (Anglo Boer War)R100.00
Gold & Diamonds (Download)R100.00
The Great Trek (Download)R100.00
The Zulu (Download)R100.00
The Xhosa (Download)R100.00
The French Huguenots at the Cape (Download)R100.00
The Dutch at the Cape Lapbook (Download)R100.00
The San of Africa Lapbook (Download)R100.00
Suid-Afrikaanse Geskiedenis Afdrukbare Vouboeke (Afrikaans)
Ten Benefits of Using a File Folder Lapbook

- A file folder project will enable your children to work on and review key information about the topic being studied.
- It will develop auditory and comprehension skills as well as the ability to search, sift and find answers in a written text.
- The hands-on activities are fun and develop fine motor skills.
- Children love to learn by doing!
- The creative possibilities are endless. Children can be creative and add their unique touch to their projects.
- File folder projects are ideal for multi-level learning.
- Project packs can be incorporated into unit studies, supplement topics of study or stand alone.
- A project gives the children a reason for writing and drawing.
- File folder projects are compact and easy to store.
- A file folder project can become part of a child’s portfolio of work and are a great tool for reviewing completed work.
- A file folder project saves a mother/teacher time and effort as all the research and information is provided for your convenience!