Board games are an effective way to learn about South Africa, while developing your children’s social skills and relationships, sportsmanship, reading, general knowledge, language skills and more. We offer a variety to choose from – see below! Kliek hier vir Opvoedkundige Bordspeletjies in Afrikaans.
The Next Stop – South African Educational Board game focusing on geography, general knowledge, language skills and more. Read more below.
Time Travel – Here the focus in on South African history and world history. (Available in Afrikaans: Tyd Toer)
Die Groot Trek – This game in Afrikaans highlights the history and geography of the Great Trek, with obstacles and bonuses to hold you back or keep you moving!
Invest in Educational South African Board Games
Time Travel Board GameR410.00
Die Groot Trek BordspelR400.00
Die Volgende Stop BordspeletjieR410.00
The Next Stop Board GameR410.00
The Next Stop

The Next Stop is a unique family board game that will enhance your children’s general knowledge about South Africa.
It’s ideal to go along with our Footprints On Our Land programme for ages 7 and up as kids love to play and learn or learn and play!
Essentially, The Next Stop it is a timed quiz game – but it is a quiz with a difference, as it not only includes question cards that will test your knowledge on South African plants, animals, places and things to do, but it also includes ‘identify the photo’ cards as well as ‘build the word’, charades and idioms (so that covers some Language Arts) too!
(See the sample photo card? Shirley got the answer right because we learned about that bird in Little Footprints for ages 4-8 years!)
Your kids will also love spending time with you, testing their genius and competing with other teams. At the same time, they will be developing socio-emotional skills such at team work, turn-taking, verbal communication skills, reading skills, good sportsmanship, obeying rules and more.
The game is played by teams of at least two and requires a minimum of 4 players, ideally aged 10 and up, but being homeschoolers, we have a wide range of smart kids in our homes!
Our 7 year old pairs up with a parent or older sibling and enjoys participating in the game too. As long as someone in the team can read, all ages can join in the fun! Younger children can operate the timer or move the playing pieces on the board.
A maximum of 6 teams can play. There is no dice, teams simply take turns answering questions within 30 seconds, timed by an egg timer and moving their car playing piece each time they answer correctly.

Instead of moving around a random route on a board, in The Next Stop, the board is a map of South Africa with various cities and places of interest marked on it (that’s Geography).
You start with your team’s car playing piece at a South African city and follow one of 6 routes passing through 10 other towns, ‘dorpies’ or cities each, to the end of your route. Each time you answer a question correctly, your car moves to ‘the next stop’ on your route. The first team to reach the end of their route is the winning team.
With 300 playing cards, you are ensured of many hours of entertainment, laughter and learning in a relaxing, relationship-building format.
The Next Stop is also available in Afrikaans as Die Volgende Stop.