After more than 20 years of homeschooling, we’ve used and researched a variety of world-class homeschooling language arts programs to use along with our Footprints on Our Land South African Homeschool Curriculum packages. These are our top picks.
There are many more English language arts programs available, but we have limited our list so as not to give an overwhelming variety to choose from! Remember, there is no one best curriculum – they all work!
Click here for reviews of Afrikaans Language Programs

Reviews of English Language Arts Programs
All About Reading

We know that one of the biggest concerns for new homeschooling moms is whether they will be able to teach their children to read and spell. We also know the reason for this anxiety is because it’s always seemed like something only trained teachers are able to do.
With All About Reading you have a program that holds your hand all the way! Because it is easy to teach you need no previous training with the lesson plans being lightly scripted so there is no guess work for you as a mom, leaving you to focus on your child.
Buy from The Book Connection
All About Spelling

Gone are the days of boring spelling lists that leave you and your child yawning and looking out the window. This programme was developed for homeschoolers (and other educators) and is great complimentary program with All About Reading.
It is an open and go program that you can use with more than one child over the years as only a small part of it is consumable. This means that you save money when you buy it as you can – and will want to – use it over and over again.
Buy from The Book Connection
Writing with Ease

As with all our other program recommendations, Writing with Ease is an open-and-go, simple-to-use program for moms who are wanting to raise equipped future writers. Borrowing heavily from the classical and Charlotte Mason style of learning to write well, Writing with Ease focuses on copywork and narration to build your child’s skill and confidence.
The lessons are easy to fit into short 20 minute lessons, which prevents dawdling and daydreaming and leaves your children excited about the next lesson. Each lesson is scripted for you so that you do not have to guess – and you get upskilled as you work with your children.
Read more at The Book Connection
Teach your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
An all-in-one, “NO bells and whistles” program which teaches letter formation, phonics and reading. It is clear and concise and has very high success rates in children moving from this primer into reading at Grade 2 level. Available from online bookstores.
Explode the Code – Phonics Workbooks
“Attractive workbooks illustrated by children teach phonetic and spelling rules. Book 1 covers short vowels, Book 2, initial and final consonant blends, Book 3 Open syllables, silent e rule, digraphs. Exercises require thinking through the spelling process while lessons focus on specific phonics and spelling rules.”
These would be suitable for Grade 1. Workbooks 4-6 would be suitable for Grade 2.
These workbooks are available from online book vendors.
Excellence in Writing

The Insitute for Excellence in Writing offers a large range of different products, all designed for the homeschool scenario, which we have found to be highly effective.
Teaching Writing with Structure and Style (TWSS) is a good investment for parents and the Structure and Style that goes with it is fabulous for kids. Even the most reluctant writers will enjoy it.
Following on from this are Structure and Style Continuation Courses for each level and we have also enjoyed the Theme Based Writing Lessons, Fixit Grammar and the Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization programme.
Order in SA from or directly from the USA from Excellence in Writing.
Writing with Skill

Writing with Skill, by Susan Wise Bauer
This writing manual teaches students the skills of outlining, research, paragraph and essay construction, literary analysis, proper documentation/citation, and more.
Although developing essay writing and composition skills is the main goal, reading comprehension and analysis also receive a great deal of attention.
For each course, there are a student workbook and an instructor text. (Both are available in either print or downloadable PDF formats.) Available from online book stores.