These homeschool science programs present a study of our world from a Christian creationist point of view.
Jeannie Fulbright’s Exploring Creation Series immerses you and your children in botany, zoology and astronomy.
These homeschool science programs rely heavily on Charlotte Mason’s learning technique of narration as well as the wonderful creative use of notebooking. Each book is designed to be a year long study.
We recommend that South African families first enjoy the local science programmes that Footprints offers. Footprints Nature Quest in English consists of 12 sections.
Natuurskattejag 1 and Natuurskattejag 2 in Afrikaans consist of six sections each, but the topics and content are the same in both languages, only the story books differ.
Footprints Nature Quest Classic PackR8 015.00
Natuurskattejag 1R4 225.00
Natuurskattejag 2R5 365.00
Reviews of Homeschool Science Programs

Exploring Creation with Botany, Textbook
by Jeannie K. Fulbright / Apologia Educational Ministry
Introduce your young naturalists to plants – their structure, propagation, classification, and more, with this engaging year long classical science curriculum.
Influenced by Charlotte Mason and the living books philosophy, homeschooling mother Jeannie Fulbright writes as if she were chatting with her own children, defining and explaining at their comprehension level.
Designed to be used with both readers and non-readers, each clearly organized lesson features content-rich narration, notebooking and hands-on activities and projects, using easy-to-find household items. Dissect seeds, force bulbs, make leaf skeletons—and take a close-up look at God’s flora kingdom. Grades 1 to 7.

Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Textbook
by Jeannie K. Fulbright / Apologia Educational Ministry
What would living on Venus be like? Are there really black holes? How did God create the cosmos? Curious kids want to know, and this 28-week curriculum gives them biblically based, scientifically sound answers.
Using Charlotte Mason’s methodology, the incremental lessons employ narration, notebooking, hands-on projects, and a course website to introduce 6- to 13-year-olds to the wonders of the solar system and universe.

Exploring Creation with Zoology 1: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day
by Jeannie K. Fulbright / Apologia Educational Ministry
The ruby-throated hummingbird, yellow-rumped warbler, little brown bat, spicebush swallowtail butterfly, Mexican bean beetle, common honeybee – they all have wings, and you’ll find them here in this lavishly-illustrated elementary science curriculum.
Using the Charlotte Mason approach, 14 lessons include notebook activities, special projects, and hands-on experiments to teach kids about birds, bugs, bees, beetles, butterflies, and more.

Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day
by Jeannie Fulbright / Apologia Educational Ministry
Dive into the underwater world of marine animals! Written directly to the student, the gentle conversational style makes Zoology 2 perfect for elementary children to read on their own, or for family reading times with mom.
Presenting information with a strong creationist viewpoint, this detailed book contains chapters on aquatic animals, whales, seals, fish, sharks, reptiles, Cephalopods and many other creatures you didn’t even know existed!
Narration may be easily used with younger children; notebooking and “ocean box” activities are included at the end of each chapter. Household labs develop the skills needed to conduct scientifically valid experiments in any field, while magnificent photos bring the ocean right into your classroom. 235 pages, indexed hardcover with answers to the narrative questions included.

Exploring Creation with Zoology 3: Land Animals of the Sixth Day
By Jeannie K. Fulbright / Apologia Educational Ministries
What separates people from apes? How can a great dane be related to a chihuahua? Is there evidence that people and dinosaurs lived at the same time? What should you do if you encounter a bear? How can you tell if a snake is poisonous? Come find out answers to these questions and many, many more with Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Zoology 3!
This third book in the zoology series takes students on a safari through jungles, deserts, forests, farms, and even their own backyard to explore, examine and enjoy the enchanting creatures God designed to inhabit the terrain. Families will snuggle together and discover the amazing animals from primates to parasites, kangaroos to caimans, and turtles to terrifying T-Rexs- this safari doesn’t end there! Students will also keep a record of where each animal is found on a map and learn to identify animal tracks. As with all the Apologia elementary books, students will continue the practice of narration, keeping a notebook of what they have learned, and enjoy many hands on projects and experiments throughout the course. Hardcover.

Chemistry and Physics
By Jeannie K. Fulbright / Apologia Educational Ministries
Introduce your primary to junior high school children to the fascinating world of chemistry and physics!
The activities and projects in Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics course are sure to delight and inspire your young minds. They’ll begin by exploring the basic building blocks of creation, atoms and molecules, and then journey through simple chemicals, the laws of motion, and energy in its many forms, before discovering concepts of electricity and magnetism. Along the way, your students will make their own bouncy ball, formulate a smoke bomb, build a solar oven, construct a working periscope, fashion a miniature motor, and create a lava lamp! All the while, God will be glorified as the Master Designer of all that they’re discovering about the world and how it works. This exciting course will give your students a love for learning and a confidence in science that will carry them through the school years and beyond.
This homeschool science curriculum uses the Charlotte Mason methodology.

Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology
By Jeannie K. Fulbright / Apologia Educational Ministries
Beginning with a brief history of medicine and a peek into cells and DNA, your students will voyage through fourteen lessons covering many subjects, such as the body systems: skeletal, muscular, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, nervous, and more! They’ll study nutrition and health, how God designed their immune system to protect them, along with embryology and what makes them a unique creation of God.
Children will enjoy adding the organs about which they learn to their own personalized human figure to be placed in their course notebook. In addition there are scientific experiments and projects, such as testing the bacteria content around the house, finding their blood type, creating a cell model from Jelly and candy, and even building a stethoscope!
As with all the Apologia elementary books, students will continue the practice of narration, keeping a notebook of what they have learned, and enjoy many hands on projects and experiments throughout the course. Hardcover.
You can order the Apologia Science resources in South Africa from the Creation Store.
You may also wish to view the Apologia Homeschool Science Programs on our High School Science page.