What will be a positive motivation that we can give the Department of Education when we register the kids as home schoolers? ~ Berti
Answer to Benefits of Homeschooling in South Africa

Before you contact the Department of Education, you should read the advice about Registering for Homeschooling as it might NOT be in your family’s best interest to invite educational officials to interfere with your choice for your children’s education and upbringing.
However, some of the many benefits of homeschooling are:
#1 One-on-one tuition
At home, the child gets the time and attention he needs from his ‘teacher’ and can progress at his own pace. This private tuition usually enables children to get a better quality education than might be possible in a school.
#2 Special need and abilities can be catered for
Unlike the one-size-fits-all classroom model, a homeschooling parent can tailor make learning to suit her child/ren. Children with special needs can be accommodated as well as different learning styles or special giftings.
#3 Building family relationships
While mainstream schooling separates families for most of the day, homeschooling facilities better relationship building between parents and siblings.
#4 No negative peer pressure
At home children usually have good role models – their parents, instead of rebellious or untrained children of their own age, from whom they can learn bad habits and bad attitudes. There is also no one to make them feel inferior if they do not comform to fads, fashion or other image-related ideas.
#5 No bullies
More and more parents seem to be withdrawing their children from mainstream schools due to bullying. In a safe, loving environment, children who were once afraid to go to school can learn in peace.
#6 Moral and religious beliefs
Children in schools are taught the morals, values and belief system of the state, which is generally secular humanism. At home, parents are better able to teach their children their own values, beliefs and culture.
#7 Better socialisation
Although many people mistakenly think that homeschooled children are cocooned away from the real world, this metaphor is more aptly applied to children within the 4 walls of a classroom. In contrast, homeschoolers are free to be out and about in the real world, and research shows that they learn to socialize better with a wide range of age groups, compared with school-going children. They develop self-confidence and can converse meaningfully with adults, in particular, that is always striking.
#8 Ability to pursue passions
Homeschoolers have the time and opportunity to pursue topics of interest, hobbies, sport, skills or other passions that are not taught in schools. Many high school homeschoolers start home businesses or apprenticeships while completing their education.
Why Homeschooling in South Africa Works
Here are more benefits of homeschooling in South Africa
Someone asked what homeschoolers do right that makes it such a successful form of education.
1. no early separation of young children from the parent
2. lots of unstructured free play in the early years
3. no age segregation
4. participation in daily work at home alongside the parents
5. ideally lots of time to play and move outside in the fresh air, limited time sitting down at a desk/table
6. plenty of conversation / discussion / debate (which is usually limited in the classroom)
7. a lot of time to pursue one’s own interests (no homework)
8. the opportunity for kids to learn new skills, e.g. reading when they are developmentally ready and motivated, not before
9. one-on-one tuition
10. opportunity to progress at your own pace after mastery of new skills and not before mastery has occurred
11. customised learning experiences (not a one-size-for-the-whole-nation-curriculum)
12. less testing, measuring and labelling children’s abilities and disabilities
13. PARTICIPATION, support and INTEREST of parents in the children’s learning (also in schools this makes a huge difference to academic outcomes)
14. opportunity for apprenticeships for older children
15. home business experience
16. learning in an emotionally safe (no bullying) environment
17. lots of reading aloud
18. parents modelling a love of learning
You might also like to read the following:
Tips for Starting Homeschooling in South Africa – our FREE 7 part ecourse
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