Goldilocks knew what was “just right”. She tried the porridge, one was too hot, another too cold, but she found the one that was just right. The chairs she tried were too big, too small but the one she chose was just right. Lastly, she tried the beds – one being too hard, the next too soft, the last, you guessed it – just right.
Many parents think that when they buy their first curriculum or choose the homeschool methodology they are drawn to, that it will be for keeps.
This is often not the case as, like all of us, new to homeschooling parents tend to take what is most familiar to them – perhaps what they are used to from their school days. Or they choose what they see in a friend’s home. It could also be the advert that seems to offer all the bells and whistles that appeals to the parent.
We have seen that many times these same parents either feel stuck with a bad choice and think it is set in stone, or they become so despondent that they give up and put their children back into school.
But using the Goldilocks principle, you can try something and find it is not suitable and move on to the next, and next until you find what is just right. This may take a little trying and failing to get right, but it’s worth it for the long term.

Here are our top 5 tips for “just right” homeschool days:
- Do not rush to buy a curriculum – get reviews from friends, do your best to look it over, really ask yourself why you are drawn to it, consider if it’s right for your children.
- Ease into whatever you buy or the method you choose to follow – we cannot stress enough that there is no rush, no one to keep up with, and you are never behind.
- If something doesn’t work – sell it, give it away or put it on the shelf for another season.
- Even when you have made the right choice, stay sensitive to the needs of your home – if you permanently feel like a hamster on a wheel, slow down, take a day off or reassess if you are trying to do too much.
- Keep your own sense of wonder and excitement with learning – you can be guaranteed if you are finding the days tedious, so are your children.
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