The team of homeschoolers, who entered the 2013 Conquesta Olympiad were listed in the Top 20, from hundreds of participating schools.
The Conquesta Olympiad is an annual event for children in primary school and participants entered from approximately 50% of all the independent schools in South Africa (SASA) and hundreds of state schools across South Africa and her neighbouring countries.
Children from Grade 1 to Grade 7 could participate in a range of different subject tests, in either English or Afrikaans and each received a certificate of participation and their individual results for each subject.

The Top 20 results were calculated from the 10 highest percentages of each school achieved in each subject and grade and the top schools then receive a Certificate of Excellence.
The team of 131 homeschoolers, who entered under the name Achievers Home School Team, were listed in the Top 20 in the following categories:
Bible Study – Grade 6 – 1st place
Bible Study Grade 5 – 1st place
Life Skills Grade 5 – 1st place
English First Language Grade 5 – 8th place
Life Skills Grade 3 – 11th place
Life Skills Grade 2 – 12 place
English Language Grade 2 – 4th place
The certificate they were awarded is featured on the left. Click on the image for a larger view. The list of all the Top 20 teams can be found on the Conquesta website at
For more information about entering the Conquesta and other olympiads, go to Olympiads for Homeschoolers
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