Hannah Ashley-Cooper is an aspiring artist and jewellery maker. Here is her story in her own words:

I have always been homeschooled as my parents felt it the best way for me to get the most life opportunities and also not have to face some of the unnecessary problems which school can cause.
I have always been doing art as from grade 1 to grade 8. My mom use the Waldorf curriculum to teach us.
This curriculum focuses on working with arts and crafts to teach you in all the subjects.
When I was about 8 my dad started teaching art to a group of local kids in our little dorp, and I joined in. Most of the kids were older than me, but I thought it was the coolest thing ever.
Later on when I was 11, I started going to homeschooler art classes at the Tygerberg Art Center. This was still just something fun and I did not really know that one day I would become an artist and jeweller.
I continued with the homeschool classes until I was 15. At 15 I then joined grade 10 art classes at the Tygerberg Art Center. I did not just do one subject of art, rather I took one subject in design and one in visual arts. Those subjects were Illustration and Painting. Both classes included the history of art and design.
I am now almost finished with grade 12 art at the art centre.
I really started getting serious about my art when I was 15.
I was never a naturally good artist. I saw really great artists around me, including my dad and I wanted to be like them. So I drew. For hours on end I would draw the same thing over and over again until my drawings started improving. I would practice different painting techniques in my work book.
It was very much a challenge on my character and on my life.
Sometimes I would draw something and it just didn’t look like what I wanted it to, these times were so frustrating that they made me feel like giving up. Instead I kept pushing and pushing and now I can pick up a pencil and draw what I see.

Two months ago I received a bursary to do a one week winter workshop with Ruth Prowse Art School.
In that one week we did something different each day. We did drawing, painting, graphic design and Jewellery.
I fell in love with the jewellery making and booked a two month intensive jewellery course through Ruth Prowse, which is coming to a close this week. [August 2018] I have booked three more jewellery courses until the end of the year.
I have learnt so many techniques in jewellery already and have made pieces for clients. My lecturers believe that I have the ability to go very far with my jewellery.
In December I am moving to England as the opportunities are far greater for my art and jewellery. When I get there I am hoping to be able to work for a jeweller and at an art gallery.
In the not so far future I am planning to open up a vintage style jewellery store with an art and jewellery studio for me to work in in the back of the store.
I am still very young yet I have so many experience and opportunities in the art world that I feel absolutely blessed and privileged to have had the opportunities I have had.

Facebook: Hannah’s Art Instagram: @hannahsartworks @han_jewellery
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Freelance Illustrator / Artist Success Story