Find out about Afrikaans online tutoring offered by DT online.

DT online offers comprehensive products and services for Afrikaans homeschooling students. We currently teach over 20 students across the globe with excellent results and positive feedback.
Visit our website and navigate to the individual enrolments page.
There you will find answers to frequently asked questions and quotation request forms.
There are 3 options to choose from:
1. Hangouts only – This is where we do our weekly hour lesson online with an individual student using the Google Hangouts platform.
2. The 6-month Enrolment – (content only) Student receives weekly planning of originally created content accessible from our webapps. Students complete and submit their assignments online and we mark it and return their assignments back to them.

3. The 6-month Full Enrolment – This option is a combination of Options 1 and 2.
Our online content includes assessments and quizzes after each module is completed.
Our material is CAPS, IEB and Cambridge Int aligned and our online teachers are qualified and experienced.
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