A homeschooled matric candidate scored 99% for matric Mathematics in the final exams.
Jean-Jacq Du Plessis achieved five distinctions in the matric exams conducted by the Independent Examinations Board in 2014, scoring 99% for Mathematics.
He also earned distinctions for all his subjects, except Life Orientation and English, however he has requested a re-mark for English.
He was ranked in the top 1% of IEB students for his achievements in Maths, Physical Science, Life Science and Geography.
- English Home Language
- Afrikaans Frist Additional Language
- Geography
- Life Orientation
- Life Sciences
- Mathematics
- Physical Sciences
He also took Advanced Programme Mathematics as an eighth subject through an enterprise offering advanced maths courses to bridge the gap between school and university maths. He scored a distinction for this too.
Jean-Jacq’s parents made the decision to home-school him from Grade 4, for health reasons but also because they believed he would get a better education at home.
He says that homeschooling is not for everyone as it requires a lot of discipline.
Jean-Jacq plans to do some missionary work before deciding on his career path.
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